
Showing posts from January, 2015

replacing ThinkPad HDD with an SSD

My netbook computer Lenovo Thinkpad E10 is very slow. So I replace the HDD by an 60G SSD. The steps are as follows: 1.Backup you files to other mobile hard disks. 2.Use the Lenovo's "recovburncd.exe" to backup the original windows 7 system to DVD. It uses 3 DVDs. 3.Replace the HDD by the new SSD. 4.Connect the DVD-ROM to Computer, then, Start the system by DVD-ROM. and use the burned system DVD. 5.Continue install the system, the SSD with a new windows 7 will be installed.

Best Jin Yong Drama (Top 10)

1.1995 神雕侠侣(TVB,古天乐) 2.1998 鹿鼎记(TVB,陈小春) 3.1997 天龙八部(TVB,黄日华) 4.2001 倚天屠龙记(TVB,吴启华) 5.2013 笑傲江湖(于正,霍建华) 6.1992 鹿鼎记(周星驰) 7.1994 射雕英雄传(TVB,张智霖) 8.1996 笑傲江湖(TVB,吕颂贤) 9.1993 倚天屠龙记(李连杰) 10.2003 倚天屠龙记(赖水清,苏有朋)